Dienstag, 24. Juni 2014

Dearest friends!

Our Summer Sale has just started!
Lots of great deals on many of our products!
 -Treat yourself -

Have a great summer!

Mittwoch, 18. Juni 2014

A big THANK YOU to everyone who joined in and celebrated the HALLOSOMMERFEST with us!
After a lot of hard work, we are proud to say that the event was a huge success and we hope to organise another one very soon!!! 

A special thanks goes to all the lovely models! You all rocked the show!!
And of course a big thank you to Comerc, S/ght and Kleines Schuhwerk and our Kinder Disko DJ The Clonious for collaborating with us!
We love you all!!!!

Here are some nice photos taken by Lichtschalter of the Fashion Show, Pop Up Shop, Kinder Disko and all the fun!

Freitag, 6. Juni 2014

Der Kleine Salon Meets Dschungel !

- We are so happy and proud to announce -
 Our summer celebration is taking place at the Dschungel MQ on the 14th of June!
We are so excited and very much looking forward to seeing you all there!